20 Golden Nuggets from Colleen Doyle

Landed In A Gold Mine

Golden Nuggets

The end of last month concluded my level three class at iO with Colleen Doyle. Throughout class she joked that she was going to make a brochure of all of her tips and tricks for improv. Welp, I took a few notes in class and thought I’d share with you the the top 20 golden nuggets that I took away from Colleen’s class.


  1. Don’t focus on the premise or problem.
  2. Be connected.
  3. Have emotions.
  4. Make your scene partner important to you.
  5. Relax your crack.
  6. Show vulnerability.
  7. Find your want at the top of the scene.
  8. Say out loud what you want. Say out loud where you are.
  9. Make a choice for yourself at the top so you are not a victim in your own scene.
  10. Don’t judge yourself. Own your shit.
  11. Trust yourself. Trust that you have a unique point of view.
  12. You are funny.
  13. Don’t default into finding conflict. “Dare to be kind.” (quote from TJ Jagodowski)
  14. React.
  15. Touch.
  16. Reveal something.
  17. Change your breathing.
  18. Chew up every line.
  19. Keep it simple.
  20. Be honest.


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posted on by Kiley Peters posted in Uncategorized

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